Computer Science Degree

B.S. in Computer Science, with solid foundation in computer systems, programming, software engineering, data mining & machinen learning, communications & networking, databases, web programming, operating systems, data structures & algorithms, statistics, algebra, discrete math, calculus, and comparative programming languages.

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Data Science and Machine Learning

Craving further specialization in the field of data science beyond the amount covered in my undergraduate degree, I am in the progress of earning a M.S. in Data Science from University of Colorado, Boulder. This advanced degree incorporates substantial use of Python and R for data structures and algorithms, supervised and unsupervised machine learning, data mining, modern regression analysis, and generalized linear models and nonparametric regression. The degree encompasses advanced topic in statistics including ANOVA and experimental design, probability theory and statistical inference, and hypothesis testing. Additionally, we utilize SQL for relational database design.

Concurrently, I'm working on completing the Data Science Professional Certificate by HarvardX, using the R programming language for visualization, probability, inference, modeling, wrangling, linear regression, and machine learning.

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Data Engineering and Analytics

Data is everywhere, and accumulating at ever-increasing speeds. Collecting that raw data; transforming it into clean, useful, analytics-ready content; and storing it in a well-designed database or other storage format is the vital work of data engineers. Data analytics is the process of interpreting and deriving meaning from that data. Both are vitally important and pretty fascinating.

I am currently in progress of completing IBM's Data Engineering professional certificate using Python, SQL, db2, Linux shell, Airflow, Kafka, Hadoop, and Spark to do some pretty magical things with data.

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Programming Languages

Strong formal background in Java, Python, SQL, R, JavaScript and HTML/CSS.
Limited experience in Ruby, C, C++, Haskell, Perl, Prolog, & PHP.
Briefly glanced at Ada once but would not even recognize it in passing anymore.

Will enthusiastically learn any language needed for a role or project. (Except Malbolge.)

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Leadership & Communication

Professional background in classroom education, training & office management.
Strong background in educational content design, public speaking, and leading workshops.

In addition to all of the above, I've had the privilege of living on 4 different continents (using 4 different languages) and interacting with a wide variety of cultures and communication styles, making me highly adaptable and good at understanding various opinions.

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Unfortunately I'm not legally allowed to publically share projects developed as part of my undergraduate degree, but I am happy to discuss them! Below are personal or certificate-related projects that I am at liberty to share.

Coffee Shop

Designing a relational database

Given outlines for suboptimal tables and a CSV to populate data, created ERDs to outline ideal relationships and then designed a database with normalized tables and imported data, creating customized views for business partners.

Uses PostgreSQL, IBDM Db2, MySQL, pgAdmin, and SQL.

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Currency Exchange

Designing an ETL process for exchange rates

Use python APIs to collect data from JSON source files, extract exchange rates, use webscraping to obtain US$ market cap, transform that data into GBP, and load results into a CSV file.

Uses python, Jupyter Notebooks, IBM Watson Studio, and Pandas.

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