
Always learning, always growing.

Computer Science Education

I graduated summa cum laude from The University of the People, earning my B.S. in Computer Science with a gpa of 4.00 . Aside from the fundamentals learned through my coursework, I am currently studying towards my M.S. in Data Science from the University of Colorado, Boulder, with a 4.00 in all classes taken to date.

In order to stay current in industry-standard tools, I also am pursuing specialized professional certification in Data Engineering and Data Science as well as continuing to broaden and deepen my understanding in this complex and ever-changing field of computer science. Select a button above for further details.

Background & Work Experience

I have professional experience in nutrition, management, and education, with a background in (and a passion for) foreign languages. Select a topic if you would like to learn more!

Programming Languages & Tools

The process of discovering and mastering programming languages and tools is never-ending, as new languages, frameworks, and tools become available every year. With a strong background in the fundamental knowledge that transcends language, I am open to and enthusiastic to explore any language needed for a project or role. Click a button for details on the languages and tools I am most proficient in at the moment.